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Super Globalist to Replace Italy’s BerlusconiLesezeit: unter 1 Minute

Now that Silvio Berlusconi has fallen on his sword – but not before making sure Italians suffer austerity – the globalists can make their move and insert one of their trusted minions: former EU Commissioner Mario Monti.

Analysts are excited about the strong possibility that former EU Commissioner Mario Monti will head up a new national unity government in Italy,” reports Business Insider.

Goldman Sachs and the financial elite are pushing for “a government more amenable to reforms that encourage growth and improve governance… Markets would approve of this kind of coalition.

In other words, they are angling for the wholesale looting of the Italian economy and bankster privatization resulting in mass unemployment, wage cuts, pension thievery, and public services fire sales.

“Super Mario” Monti is a perfect choice to overlord the pillaging. He completed his graduate studies under James Tobin at Yale. Tobin was a Keynesian economist who served on the Council of Economic Advisors and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

It stands to reason that Goldman Sachs will lead the charge in the coming rape of Italy – Monti is Goldman’s international adviser.

He was the first chairman of Bruegel, the internationalist European think-tank that steers the globalist agenda for the EU. Monti is also the European Chairman of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission and is also a leading member of the Bilderberg Group.

In short, Monti is a super-globalist. The Italian people can only expect to be run over and economically raped after Mario Monti is appointed to head up the government in Italy.

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