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‚Don Jon‘ Corzine Spills His Guts to Alex Jones – Infowars Nightly News

Alex will interview ‚Don Jon‘ Corzine about the his testimony before Congress about the missing funds at the now defunct MF Global over which he once presided. The former Goldman Sach’s CEO, New Jersey governor and senator was subpoenaed to testify, though many observers consider it to have been merely...

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Auf den Punkt gebracht

Der Ökonom und ehemalige Assistant Secretary of the Treasury unter Ronald Reagan Dr. Paul Craig Roberts bringt die derzeitige Situation auf den Punkt: [stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=false share=false width=450 height=340 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

Establishment Working to Remove Free Online Version of The Obama Deception

Originalartikel auf Infowars.comNovember 21, 2011 Comments posted today on the full-length free YouTube version of Alex Jones’ The Obama Deception reveal an effort to discredit the film, its message, and portray supporters as violent miscreants celebrating the would-be assassination of the president. Following an article Sunday in The New York Times describing alleged...